Looking up at the Performing Arts building

Jones Hall Renovation

Renovating Jones Hall

To lean more about the Take Your Seat Campaign and how you can support the renovation to Jones Hall, visit foundationforjoneshall.org


One of the most distinctive edifices in the downtown Houston landscape, Jones Hall is a beloved landmark to generations of Houston concert-goers, and a landmark worth preserving. Over the past three summers, this cherished theater has been undergoing extensive renovations, and we are now entering the final phase of this multi-year update.

Jones Hall’s iconic exterior profile remains intact, while the interior has being redesigned to significantly enhance the performance experience. The new vertical aisles and seats, along with a sizeable increase to the number of bathroom facilities, a new primary elevator, and an expanded and enhanced Green Room.

Also to come are technical and infrastructure renovations backstage, including new, modernized stage automation control, and the introduction of fiber networks, ushering in a new era for Jones Hall of state-of-the-art audio and visual capabilities for broadcasting, livestreaming, and stage effects.

ADA improvements to the auditorium and to the Texas Avenue entrance will make the Hall more accessible than it has ever been, including more seats for those in wheelchairs, improved cross-hall access, and more access points from Texas Avenue to reduce elevator usage.

Jones Hall will be better than ever when we celebrate its 60th anniversary in 2026, an anniversary it shares with the founding of Performing Arts Houston. This world-class venue is for our entire city to enjoy. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we make these improvements.


We are grateful to the generous donors who have contributed more than $57 million toward our $60 million goal.

$5 Million and More

The Brown Foundation
The City of Houston/Houston First Corporation
Nancy and Charles Davidson
Sarofim Foundation
Margaret Alkek Williams

$1 Million to $4,999,999

An Anonymous Friend of Jones Hall
The Robert and Jane Cizik Family
Janet F. Clark
The Cullen Foundation
The Cullen Trust for the Performing Arts
The Elkins Foundation
Houston Endowment
Barbara and Pat McCelvey
The Shirley and David Toomim Family
The Wortham Foundation, Inc.

$100,000 to $999,999

Chao Foundation
Melanie Gray and Mark Wawro
Mr. and Mrs. J. Stephen Marks
MD Anderson Foundation
Judy and Scott Nyquist
Beverly and James Postl
Vivian L. Smith Foundation
Phoebe and Robert Tudor

Under $100,000

Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Blackburne
Dr. James and Mrs. Judy Bozeman
Mrs. Dale Brannon
Ms. Barbara J. Burger
The Peter R. Coneway Family
Mr. Vijay D’Cruz
Emma C. Ferguson, MD
Ms. Carey Kirkpatrick
Mrs. Emily Kuo
Rita and Paul Morico
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rinehart
Mr. Robert K. Rogerson
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse B. Tutor
Ms. Hallie Vanderhider
Fredric and Betsy Cook Weber


As we enter the last stretch of our five-year renovation, we invite the public to Take Your Seat and support our mission of bringing and keeping Jones Hall to the highest 21st-century standard by sponsoring one of the brand new seats recently installed in the auditorium.

If you donate, you’ll have your name – or the name of your family, friend, or group – engraved on a beautiful custom plaque that will be permanently affixed to the chair. It’s the perfect way to express your support of the performing arts and will be an enduring reminder that your support is helping bring hundreds of performances a year to the stage.

To contribute to the Take You Seat campaign with a 100% tax deductible contribution, visit www.foundationforjoneshall.org, where you can choose the location of your seat, whether you like the orchestra, the mezzanine, or the balcony.

If you have any questions about supporting the renovation of Jones Hall, please contact Jordan Drum (Performing Arts Houston) at 713.632.8104 or jdrum@performingartshouston.org, or Kimberly Sterling (Foundation for Jones Hall) at 281.513.2569 or ksterling@sterlingforgood.net.