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SPA Creative Connection, March 31, 2020—John A. Rodak

Today’s SPA Creative Connection artist is John A. Rodak, an art educator, illustrator and songwriter. John uses his travels across America and Asia as inspiration for what he calls “illustrative preservation”, capturing images from the past in black and white renderings.

John believes that “being able to express one’s self in any creative expression is essential to developing and determining who we are as individuals.” He cites this video as a representation as “everything about me that’s creative in a complete package.”

His submission Includes a series of his pointillist illustrations, set to his original song, “October.”

Connect with John→ Facebook, Website

Featured works were selected from the following:
HARVEST: Twilight of the Barn in Ohio (2003 – 2005)
Shadow Over the Heartland (2014)
Fall From Grace (2014)

Want to join SPA Creative Connection?  Submit your work here.